
Tytuł: The Information Department of Nicholas Copernicus University Library as the Flood Relief Headquarters and its role in rescuing flooded book collections of Lower Silesia in July 1997.


Author describe the experience of the staff of Information Department, Nicholas Copernicus University Library in Toruń, Poland, during the flood of Summer 1997. The Department organized and coordinated help for the libraries of Lower Silesia (southern Poland) whose collections were seriously damaged by the flood. In this presentation, we focus on the process of change in the functioning of the library Information Department, its role, organization of work, with the emphasis on the transition from spontaneous willingness to help to a coordinated aid action, planned and conducted on a longer time scale. She discuss the means that were used to gather and exchange information about damaged or endangered collections, to mobilize librarians in other academic centres to join the aid action, and to raise funds, acquire materials and facilities for the restoration of damaged prints.


Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Toruniu

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Disaster and after : the practicalities of information service in times of war and other catastrophes : proceedings of international conference sponsored by IGLA (The International Group of the Library Association), 4-6 September 1998, University of Bristol / ed. by Paul Sturges and Diana Rosenberg ; with the ed. assistance of Claire Sturges.Wydanie: London ; Los Angeles : Taylor Graham, 1999.




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Bednarek-Michalska, Bożena (1957-2021)


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